Product quality and conformity

Our work and all company processes are in line with the best qualitative standards in the market, and are focused on continuously improving our performances. At the production plant, quality is ensured by an accurate control on the machines as well as from the control room, through the use of ACCREDIA-certified tools that are constantly monitored and controlled. ODV has a corporate Quality Management System and runs its own processes in line with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems - Requirements) and UNI EN 9100:2018 (Quality Management Systems. Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defence Organizations) standards.

Download the quality certificate - PDF

Size controls

ODV specializes in high-precision workings with millimeter-level tolerance that require latest-generation measurement tools.For this reason and due to the increasing technical-qualitative demands regarding products, ODV continuously invests in the implementation of its measurement tools, submitting them to periodical calibration inspections carried out by ACCREDIA certified agencies or other institutions that ensure full referrability to national or international sample measurements.

Some of our main tools are:

  • Profile projectors, 3 assy X
    0 - 200/ Y and 0 - 100
  • Altimeter, MITUTOYO H. 0 - 600
  • Roughness meter, Model 178-601 by MITUTOYO
  • Profilometer, Model CV-2100M4 by MITUTOYO
  • Series of blocks
  • Centesimal lever comparators MITUTOYO
  • Arm comparator
  • Micrometers for indoors and outdoors, of various types
  • Croze micrometers
  • Analogical and digital calibers
  • Buffers (P/NP), rings, plugs etc.

Size controls

ODV specializes in high-precision workings with millimeter-level tolerance that require latest-generation measurement tools.For this reason and due to the increasing technical-qualitative demands regarding products, ODV continuously invests in the implementation of its measurement tools, submitting them to periodical calibration inspections carried out by ACCREDIA certified agencies or other institutions that ensure full referrability to national or international sample measurements. Some of our main tools are:

  • Profile projectors, 3 assy X
    0 - 200/ Y and 0 - 100
  • Altimeter, MITUTOYO H. 0 - 600
  • Roughness meter, Model 178-601 by MITUTOYO
  • Profilometer, Model CV-2100M4 by MITUTOYO
  • Series of blocks
  • Centesimal lever comparators MITUTOYO
  • Arm comparator
  • Micrometers for indoors and outdoors, of various types
  • Croze micrometers
  • Analogical and digital calibers
  • Buffers (P/NP), rings, plugs etc.